Development Foundation Partners with Real Estate Brokers
One of the most effective strategies for attracting expanding and relocating companies to Sioux Falls has always been the availability of build-ready industrial sites—with the Sioux Falls Development Foundation marketing those sites for over 60 years.
Now the Development Foundation has forged a partnership with two commercial real estate companies to increase land sales and enhance marketing efforts. After sending a Request for Information to all regional commercial real estate brokers, the Development Foundation has selected NAI and Bender Commercial to participate in the newly established Broker Partnership Program.
“The Development Foundation has worked closely with Sioux Falls area real estate brokers and local developers for decades,” said Bob Mundt, SFDF President and CEO. “We all have the same goal of promoting our community and enhancing economic growth—and this new program has the potential to make our partnership stronger and even more effective.”
Effective July 1, all new site listings by the organization will be co-listed with the two commercial real estate brokerage firms chosen for the Broker Partnership Program. Additionally, all signage in Sioux Empire Development Park 8 and Foundation Park will include the names and contact information for the broker partners, and a more “residential” signage approach will be used, with signs on individual sites.
The broker partners at NAI and Bender Commercial will update their websites, with a new focus on the Development Foundation land, and the companies will utilize their nationwide contacts to maximize exposure for the Sioux Falls sites, widening the pool of potential buyers and increasing the awareness of potential industrial locations in the SFDF development parks.
“We will be sharing our key target industries with our broker partners,” Mundt said. “With their national network and contacts, they will be able to leverage our marketing efforts, increase the number of potential new companies and significantly impact development park land sales.”
The Broker Partnership Program may also involve NAI and Bender Commercial in Development Foundation participation in national trade shows and economic development conferences, Mundt said.
“Our outbound marketing strategy has included onsite visits in specific areas like Chicago, Atlanta and Dallas, where companies are growing and looking at expanded national locations,” Mundt said. “Our broker partners may participate in some of those company meetings, bringing an objective perspective and market knowledge that could influence some of our target industry contacts. We’re utilizing all our resources to grow Sioux Falls.”
For more information, contact Bob Mundt, Sioux Falls Development Foundation,
605-339-0103 or email