Jordan Wood

Digital Marketing & Content Manager

Email Jordan
Direct: (605) 681-8850

Jordan brings her extensive expertise in digital marketing and strategic communications to drive impactful online strategies, effectively fostering brand growth and engagement.

Born and raised in the heart of South Dakota, Jordan is a dynamic force in digital marketing and communications. A distinguished alumna of Indiana Wesleyan University with a degree in strategic communications and a focus on public relations, Jordan returned to Sioux Falls after graduation to harness her skills in various sectors.

In June 2024, Jordan’s expertise culminated in her role as a digital marketing and content manager at Bender Commercial, where she orchestrates cutting-edge strategies in digital marketing and content management. Her flair for social media engagement and strategic communications has swiftly positioned her as a linchpin in Bender’s success story, revitalizing their online presence and driving robust brand strategies.

Fun Facts

In addition to her professional career, Jordan finds immense joy as a proud wife and boy mom. Since 2022, she has been happily married to her husband, Lamarr. Together, they have been blessed with their son, Aidan, and eagerly anticipate expanding their family in the future. Outside of work and family, Jordan cherishes her free time spent attending sporting events, exploring new destinations through travel, and creating lasting memories with her loved ones.

Community Involvement

  • American Advertising Federation – South Dakota (AAF-SD) Member: Present